Dearest Group,
I spent a lot of time focusing on my blessings during this Thanksgiving Holiday ... I've long believed that what we focus on expands.
I am very, very grateful that new women are finding our support group and sharing their stories and providing loving energy to our growing numbers. I'd like to introduce you all to one of our newest members, Tammy from Florida, and invite you to read her story and especially her intelligent comments on dental concerns post implants. Click here for her new page.
Some things I read make me want to scream ... such as the plastic surgeon, whose patient, Donda West, died post surgery, denying any possible wrongdoing. I found this revealing article on him, Dr. Adams Blames Malpractice on Bad Patients.
Here's Pamela & the Human Adjuvant Disease Corp's latest newsletter.
This article promoting implants after being diagnosed with the breast cancer gene is particularly upsetting.
Breast Implants as Health Options, Not Cosmetic
Dr. Zuckerman wrote an excellent piece on Unnecessary Mastectomies, click here and another on Prophylactic Mastectomies here.
Another of our blessings is support group leader Kathy Nye.
For our newcomers who haven't had the pleasure yet of meeting Kathy, please read her story here, and how her breasts and how the promises made her 40 years ago, are almost mirrored in the article from this week.
I was very happy to hear from another long term friend of our support group, Linda B ...a very beloved sister. Please join me in sending her much love and healing energy.
From: Linda B.
Ilena please let all of the women that you can get in touch with, know, that I have just gotten out of the hospital after a 25 day stay.
I have Lymph node Cancer. I had my first treatment in the hospital last week. Have it in all nodes. They found it behind the Left breast.
I started with fevers of 104. Hard chills, sweats, etc. I am still very week. The Dr's think I've had it anywhere from 3 to 2 years.
That's why I haven't been online lately. When I feel better, I'll email you more details. If any of the other women have it, ask them to email me. I have such low blood counts ....... Just hope they didn't catch it to late. mine is T Cell.
Much love for now.
Linda B (Silicone suckered)
If any of you knows anyone who could help our small non profit, The Humantics Foundation, with a tax deductible donation in any amount, it would greatly help us keep our message of cautions with breast implants on the internet. It is an extremely time consuming undertaking, to say the least.
The breast implant industry has merged their own vast public relations budgets with the chemical industry denial of MCS and the vaccination / pharmaceutical / anti-alternative industry (to name a few.) They google bomb and attempt to drown out any non industry voices such as Mine ... and perhaps yours.
Love & Blessings from Ilena
Breast ImplantAwareness. org
Breast ImplantAwareness Blog
I spent a lot of time focusing on my blessings during this Thanksgiving Holiday ... I've long believed that what we focus on expands.
I am very, very grateful that new women are finding our support group and sharing their stories and providing loving energy to our growing numbers. I'd like to introduce you all to one of our newest members, Tammy from Florida, and invite you to read her story and especially her intelligent comments on dental concerns post implants. Click here for her new page.
Some things I read make me want to scream ... such as the plastic surgeon, whose patient, Donda West, died post surgery, denying any possible wrongdoing. I found this revealing article on him, Dr. Adams Blames Malpractice on Bad Patients.
Here's Pamela & the Human Adjuvant Disease Corp's latest newsletter.
This article promoting implants after being diagnosed with the breast cancer gene is particularly upsetting.
Breast Implants as Health Options, Not Cosmetic Zuckerman wrote an excellent piece on Unnecessary Mastectomies, click here and another on Prophylactic Mastectomies here.
Another of our blessings is support group leader Kathy Nye.
For our newcomers who haven't had the pleasure yet of meeting Kathy, please read her story here, and how her breasts and how the promises made her 40 years ago, are almost mirrored in the article from this week.
I was very happy to hear from another long term friend of our support group, Linda B ...a very beloved sister. Please join me in sending her much love and healing energy.
From: Linda B.
Ilena please let all of the women that you can get in touch with, know, that I have just gotten out of the hospital after a 25 day stay.
I have Lymph node Cancer. I had my first treatment in the hospital last week. Have it in all nodes. They found it behind the Left breast.
I started with fevers of 104. Hard chills, sweats, etc. I am still very week. The Dr's think I've had it anywhere from 3 to 2 years.
That's why I haven't been online lately. When I feel better, I'll email you more details. If any of the other women have it, ask them to email me. I have such low blood counts ....... Just hope they didn't catch it to late. mine is T Cell.
Much love for now.
Linda B (Silicone suckered)
Hungarian women with implants petition non-existent bill
There's lots and lots more but that's all I have time for at this moment.If any of you knows anyone who could help our small non profit, The Humantics Foundation, with a tax deductible donation in any amount, it would greatly help us keep our message of cautions with breast implants on the internet. It is an extremely time consuming undertaking, to say the least.
The breast implant industry has merged their own vast public relations budgets with the chemical industry denial of MCS and the vaccination / pharmaceutical / anti-alternative industry (to name a few.) They google bomb and attempt to drown out any non industry voices such as Mine ... and perhaps yours.
Love & Blessings from Ilena
Breast ImplantAwareness. org
Breast ImplantAwareness Blog