Sunday, June 22, 2008
In 1991 ... Dow Corning hired Burson-Marsteller to change Public Opinion on Breast Implants
Note from Ilena Rosenthal:
Some people call public relations campaigns "boogey men."
A anonymous Plastic Surgeon calls this plan, a "medical-industrial complex conspiracy theory."
I call it the early strategy meetings of an enormous propaganda team created to buoy up the breast implant industry who have paid huge money to change public opinion.
Dow Corning & Burson-Marsteller Public Relations firm manipulate Public Opinion (1991)
The following document was obtained in discovery in the breast implant litigation. It contains a detailed proposal by Burson-Marsteller Public Relations of october 14, 1991 outlining Dow's public relations efforts prior to anticipated FDA hearings on the saftey of Breast Implants. Click here for the early PR plan that has developed into a full scale propaganda campaign, joined with vaccination / chemical industry monies.