Sunday, December 30, 2007

Ilena quoted in RedWood Age: Resolutions That Go Beyond Losing Weight

Excerpt from Redwood Age:

#6 Become a better health advocate

Ilena Rosenthal, a women's health advocate, cautioned boomers not to be swayed by advertising, and to be mindful of subsequent perks some physicians receive to tout products.

"Learning to follow the money behind the massive number of medical messages we receive daily may well lead us to realize that modern medicine has little to do with health and everything to do with business," Rosenthal said."

… full article here

Visit Ilena's Blog

Friday, December 14, 2007

Halliburton Employee Violently Raped ... Breast Implant Trauma ... How She Was Further Mistreated

The last few days I've been made aware of this horrific story ... of the brutal rape, imprisionment, and other mistreatment by a woman employed by Halliburton.

I just found a website she made relating her horrors ... and read this:

I awoke the next morning in the barracks to find my naked body battered and bruised. I was still groggy from whatever had been put in my drink. I was bleeding from between my legs and my breast implants were severely disfigured. (I found out later that my attackers tore my pectoral muscles due to the brutality of the attack).

The rest of Jamie's story is here.

Breast Implant Awareness Blog

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

For women of a certain age ...

Women of a certain age will fully appreciate this true story.

If you don't, ask your Mom ... for sure she will.

A Michigan woman and her family were vacationing in a small new England town where Paul Newman and his family often visited.

One Sunday morning, the woman got up early to take a long walk. After a brisk five-mile hike, she decided to treat herself to a double-dip chocolate ice cream cone.

She hopped in the car, drove to the center of the village and went straight to the combination bakery/ice cream parlor.

There was only one other patron in the store.
Paul Newman, sitting at the counter having a doughnut and coffee.

The woman's heart skipped a beat as her eyes made contact with those famous baby-blue eyes.

The actor nodded graciously and the star struck woman smiled demurely.

Pull yourself together! She chides herself. You're a happily married woman with three children, you're forty-five years old, not a teenager!

The clerk filled her order and she took the double-dip chocolate ice cream cone in one hand and her change in the other. Then she went out the door, avoiding even a glance in Paul Newman's direction.

When she reached her car, she realized that she had a handful of change but her other hand was empty.
Where's my ice cream cone? Did I leave it in the store? Back into the shop she went, expecting to see the cone still in the clerk's hand or in a holder on the counter or something. No ice cream cone was in sight.

With that, she happened to look over at Paul Newman.
His face broke into his familiar warm friendly grin and he said to the woman,

'You put it in your purse.'


Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Why the breast implant issue is never boring ...

To read lots of stories of women post implants ... please visit:

Humantics Foundation Website
Breast Implant Awareness Blog
Wed Dec 5, 2007 

By Dan Whitcomb

LOS ANGELES, Dec 4 (Reuters) - Porn star Mary Carey, who shot to fame by running for California governor against Arnold Schwarzenegger, unveiled plans on Tuesday to auction off her autographed, recently removed breast implants for charity.

Carey said the size 36-D implants were taken out two weeks ago and replaced with larger 36-DDDs and while under anesthesia she realized they could be used to raise money for breast cancer research.

"The doctors asked me what I wanted to do with them and I said, 'You know what, I'm going to keep them and try to sell them. Because my grandmother had breast cancer," Carey told Reuters in an interview.

The 27-year-old star of such adult films as "Boobsville Sorority Girls" and "Big Breasted Beauties" will be seen in the upcoming VH1 reality show "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew" and said that during taping she kicked addictions to the anti-anxiety drug Xanax and alcohol.

"Now that I'm sober I wanted a new physical state to go along with my new mental state," Carey said. "I thought the auction would be a great way to spread some holiday cheer and make sure someone out there would have a Mary Mary Christmas."

The autographed implants have been placed on eBay and Carey, whose real name is Mary Cook, said she planned to donate some 90 percent of the proceeds to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.

She intends to use the rest of the money on medical bills for her mother, who suffered major injuries after jumping off a four-story building in 2006.

"I'm actually overall very anti-plastic surgery," Carey said. "I watched my mom go through 11 surgeries (for her injuries) and it's like, for me to voluntarily put myself through that, the only right thing to do is make money and donate it to charity."

Carey gained international fame in 2003 with her quixotic gubernatorial campaign against eventual winner Schwarzenegger. She abandoned a second run for governor against Schwarzenegger to be with her ailing mother and said it was then that she turned to Xanax, taking three times the prescribed dose.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Shocking document: FDA Science and Mission at Risk ... " The FDA cannot fulfill its mission because its scientific base has eroded ..."

Thanks to Louise Kosta for the heads up on this.

Watching the FDA cave in to the breast implant industry pressure and claim that their very often very dangerous medical device is 'safe' was certainly one of many recent low points. We believe women put their health at risk believing breast implants are 'safe.'

Visit our blog and read about the real 'after' stories

Ilena's Blog


1.2.1 The FDA cannot fulfill its mission because its scientific base has eroded and its scientific organizational structure is weak.

Complete report here (opens pdf file)
Full index

New York Times December 1, 2007

Advisers Say F.D.A.'s Flaws Put Lives at Risk

"WASHINGTON, Nov. 30 — The nation's food supply is at risk, its drugs are potentially dangerous and its citizens' lives are at stake because the Food and Drug Administration is desperately short of money and poorly organized, according to an alarming report by agency advisers."

From Associated Press coverage:
"The Science Board subcommittee given the task was blunt: 'In contrast to previous reviews that warned crises would arise if funding issues were not addressed, recent events and our findings indicate that some of those crises are now realities and American lives are at risk.'"
The report itself is linked at

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

We Welcome Diana Leighland and read her new Book: Big Breasts to Die For: The Silicone Survivors Handbook

Click here for Webpage

The Humantics Foundation, with open hearts, welcomes the very loving Diana Leighland to our Support System

and recommends her incredible new book ...

Big Breasts to Die For: The Silicone Survivors Handbook

Thankfulness & Support Group Messages for 11 26 2007

Dearest Group,

I spent a lot of time focusing on my blessings during this Thanksgiving Holiday ... I've long believed that what we focus on expands.

I am very, very grateful that new women are finding our support group and sharing their stories and providing loving energy to our growing numbers. I'd like to introduce you all to one of our newest members, Tammy from Florida, and invite you to read her story and especially her intelligent comments on dental concerns post implants. Click here for her new page.

Some things I read make me want to scream ... such as the plastic surgeon, whose patient, Donda West, died post surgery,  denying any possible wrongdoing. I found this revealing article on him,  Dr. Adams Blames Malpractice on Bad Patients.

Here's Pamela & the Human Adjuvant Disease Corp's latest newsletter.

This article promoting implants after being diagnosed with the breast cancer gene is particularly upsetting.

Breast Implants as Health Options, Not Cosmetic

Dr. Zuckerman wrote an excellent piece on Unnecessary Mastectomies, click here and another on Prophylactic Mastectomies here.

Another of our blessings is support group leader Kathy Nye.

For our newcomers who haven't had the pleasure yet of meeting Kathy, please read her story here, and how her breasts and how the promises made her 40 years ago, are almost mirrored in the article from this week.

I was very happy to hear from another long term friend of our support group, Linda B ...a very beloved sister. Please join me in sending her much love and healing energy.


From:  Linda B.

Ilena please let all of the women that you can get in touch with, know, that I have just gotten out of the hospital after a 25 day stay.

I have Lymph node Cancer. I had my first treatment in the hospital last week. Have it in all nodes. They found it behind the Left breast.

I started with fevers of 104. Hard chills, sweats, etc. I am still very week. The Dr's think I've had it anywhere from 3 to 2 years.

That's why I haven't been online lately. When I feel better, I'll email you more details. If any of the other women have it, ask them to email me. I have such low blood counts ....... Just hope they didn't catch it to late. mine is T Cell.

Much love for now.

Linda B (Silicone suckered)


Hungarian women with implants petition non-existent bill

There's lots and lots more but that's all I have time for at this moment.

If any of you knows anyone who could help our small non profit, The Humantics Foundation, with a tax deductible donation in any amount, it would greatly help us keep our message of cautions with breast implants on the internet. It is an extremely time consuming undertaking, to say the least.

The breast implant industry has merged their own vast public relations budgets with the chemical industry denial of MCS and the vaccination / pharmaceutical / anti-alternative industry  (to name a few.) They google bomb and attempt to drown out any non industry voices such as Mine ... and perhaps yours.

Love & Blessings from Ilena

Breast ImplantAwareness. org

Breast ImplantAwareness Blog

Monday, November 12, 2007

Breast Implant Plaintiffs Lawyers in 'Blood Feud' Over Fees From $2 Billion Settlement

Nate Raymond    The American Lawyer
There's a brawl raging in the Lone Star state among some of America's
richest plaintiffs lawyers.

These three men have been fighting for years. The latest round
involves legal fees won by O'Quinn in a $2 billion settlement in a
breast implant class action. O'Quinn collected $263 million of that
money as legal fees, according to arbitrators. for more click

Death of Rapper's Mom Shines Light on Liposuction & Breast Surgery ... Bravo to Dr. Zuckerman for being quoted

Dondawest Cosmetic surgery is so common in this town, you could forget it carries some risks.

Until someone famous dies while having a "procedure". That's what appears to have happened to Donda West, the mother of rap star Kanye West.

According to her publicist, Donda West underwent some kind of cosmetic operation (reportedly liposuction and breast reduction) at a facility in the L.A. area. Something went wrong, and she was taken by paramedics to the ER at Centinela Freeman hospital. Doctors could not revive her, and she was pronounced dead about a half an hour after she arrived.

Now, coroner's investigators will perform an autopsy to determine if she died from "complications of surgery." Donda West was 58 years old.

The fact that people can and do die from cosmetic procedures will shock many folks here. After all, plastic surgeons advertise their services on billboards and in glossy magazines. Sometimes you see them on TV news programs touting their work with "before" and "after" photos. They don't tell you that as with all surgery, there are no guarantees when it comes to safety.

Here's an excerpt from the Ethics Journal of the American Medical Association, March 2005, written by Dr. Diana Zuckerman:

Primary risks (of liposuction) include infection, damage to skin, nerves, or vital organs, fat or blood clots (that can migrate to the lungs, leading to death), and excessive fluid loss that can lead to shock or death. In addition, the different techniques are associated with complications such as skin or deep tissue damage, lidocaine toxicity, and fluid accumulation in the lungs. Despite the documented risks, the general public has an inflated sense of the benefits and a minimized sense of the risks of plastic surgery.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Breast Cancer Sells * Support Group Greetings * Raising Awareness

Dearest Friends ... near & far.

I've been so relieved to reconnect and learn many of our support group members and family members in Southern California are safe from the fires ... although breathing is proving to be hazardous to the health of many in this vast area.

How in the world did so many fires start simultaneously?

Our group  has many relatives and loved ones whose property is still in danger and the challenges are rising ... Interstate 5 is now closed ... the implications of which are more than concerning. The good news is the winds are slowing down.

Our dearest friend Joanie, long time Support Group Leader Extraordinaire in La Jolla had this soothing advice:

Thank you. I have a house full of refuges. I keep lots of boiling water with a gob of Vicks or Mentholatum on the stove boiling at all times. It keeps the air moist and helps with keeping the ash from entering your nose. If you have a chance let people here know as the air is so dry and the ash is very bad for us. Also, Zicam for allergies ( the gel) is excellent. It is homeopathic and works wonders.
Love you Ilena  Thanks for your prayers. Much appreciated.

I am using this stressful time to update our Website & Blog  with more & more of your stories ... we are finding it quite effective in combating some of the vast and limitless advertising / public relations volumes churned out daily by the Breast Implant Industry.

Here are a couple of newer entries ... please meet these wonderful people.

Lyn's Story
Anthony's Story
Dede's Story
Sue in England's Story

Note from Ilena:
The quote below shows the depths the breast implant / breast cancer industry goes down to, to market their highly profitable product.

Breast Cancer Sells By Lucinda Marshall, AlterNet Posted on October 24, 2007

This year there is even called Beyond Breast Cancer that cheerfully proclaims that there are "10 Good Things About Breast Cancer."

According to the bubblegum-colored magazine,
one perk is a pair of new boobs that "will face the horizon, not the South Pole.' Better yet, they will be paid for by insurance.

  Whole article here:


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

FDA Allowing Mentor to Drop Women From Study & DeLauro Letter To FDA

This is very, very serious information. Mentor is trying hard to be released from the conditions that were put in to the FDA 'approval'. Thanks to all who are circulating this and acting on it. Thanks to Sandra and her dad for putting this together.

Contact: Adriana Surfas

Thursday, October 11, 2007
(202) 225-3661

FDA Ignoring Requirement for
Post-Market Surveillance of Breast Implants

Less than one year after approval, FDA allows company to change study requirement Washington , D.C. – Congresswoman Rosa L. DeLauro (Conn. – 3), as part of an on-going effort to ensure that science – and not corporate interests – informs decisions within the Food and Drug Administration, sent a letter to Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach, FDA Commissioner, seeking information regarding a change in a mandatory post-market requirement for silicone breast implants.

Earlier this year, Mentor , a manufacturer of silicone breast
implants, announced that the FDA approved an amendment to the company's Post Approval Study Protocol that eliminated a mandatory requirement that each patient receiving silicone breast implants be enrolled into a study.

The FDA approval of silicone breast implants
last November was based on a number of conditions that the manufacturers were to follow, and those conditions already appear to be changing less than on year after their approval.

"If true, this raises serious policy questions regarding the FDA's
post marketing approval process," DeLauro stated. "This also raises serious questions about the FDA's ability and willingness to conduct the new post-market safety measures that were recently enacted in the new Prescription Drug User Fee Act.

If industry will be able to
dictate the terms and conditions of the post-market studies required under PDUFA, it will be rendered useless."

In May of this year, Rep. DeLauro introduced The FDA Scientific
Fairness for Women Act, which would rescind the approval of silicone breast implants if their safety has not been conclusively demonstrated for the life of the implant.

This bill has been
endorsed by the National Research Center for Women and Families, Breast Cancer Fund, National Women's Health Network, NOW, Reproductive Technologies Project, Our Bodies Ourselves, In the Know and Command Trust Network.

Additionally, the legislation would
require the FDA to convene a scientific workshop on the use of emergency contraception by young women under the age of 18 and elevate the Office of Women's Health within the FDA so that it reports directly to the Commissioner. Below is the full text of the letter:

October 11, 2007

The Honorable Andrew von Eschenbach, M.D.

Food and Drug Administration
5600 Fishers Lane
Room 14-71 Rockville, MD 20857

Dear Dr. von Eschenbach:

I am writing to express concern about the potential
amendments to Mentor's MemoryGel Breast Implants Post Approval Study (PAS) Protocol. Silicone breast implants were approved based on a number of conditions that Mentor and Allergen were to follow, and less than one year after their approval, the conditions appear to be changing. If true, this raises serious policy questions regarding the FDA's post marketing approval process.

Mentor announced on May 2 that the FDA approved an amendment to the PAS protocol, which removed a mandatory requirement that each patient receiving silicone breast implants be enrolled into a study. The announcement claimed that the amendment was a response to feedback from Institutional Review Boards and physicians who were concerned about the restriction of patient access to silicone breast implants. What specific data was provided to the FDA to justify this request?

Was an advisory board called or asked
about the change? In addition, please provide a status report of the post- approval studies for saline breast implants made by Mentor and McGhan (now Allergan). As a condition for approval in 2000, both companies were required to continue their 3-year safety studies for an additional 7 years, so these 10-year studies should be completed this year.

However, when the FDA held a public meeting to discuss
the 5-year data in July 2002, Mentor did not have follow-up health data on most of their patients. Since the same companies are also responsible for 10-year post-market studies of silicone gel breast implants, the quality of their 10-year studies of saline breast implants, and the rigor of FDA's monitoring of those studies, is an important indication of whether the FDA will exercise its regulatory authority on the silicone gel breast implant studies or any other required post-market studies. As part of this request, please include information about the number of women initially enrolled in each study, the number of women for whom data regarding health and complications were collected at 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, and 10 years, the results of the studies, and the FDA's assessment of the quality of the studies and the implications for patients.

Please also include all appropriate information
pertaining to Mentor's request, such as information about FDA's internal process for considering it, and the current status of post- marketing studies and conditions. All documents (electronic or hard copies), internal memoranda, communications, data, public input, and notes pertinent to this consideration also would be appreciated.

look forward to your timely response.

House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies

Bravo & Welcome to Gretchen's Beautiful New Site ... My Implant Story

My Implant Story

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

'I had the world's first breast job - and endured years of misery ...'

Thank you so much to Kathy Nye ... click here for her website.
Dawn Beaven mentioned in this article has long been a part of our support group and heads a British support group. See her Silicone Survivors UK website here.

Hi Ilena, Kathy of Toxic Discovery and I were on the Leeza show with Timmie ... the first woman to have silicone gel implants.

'I had the world's first breast job - and endured years of misery ...Daily Mail - UK

...As the first woman to receive silicone breast implants, she has paved the way for more than two million women to undergo surgical enhancements

Here's the story in the Daily Mail.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

O'Quinn Lawyer Ordered to Pay Clients $35.7M for more than 3,000 clients

Lawyer Ordered to Pay Clients $35.7M
Associated Press 07.19.07, 8:05 PM ET

HOUSTON - Prominent trial lawyer John O'Quinn has been ordered to pay at least $35.7 million to more than 3,000 former clients for improperly deducting expenses from settlements he won for them.

With interest and attorneys' fees, O'Quinn might have pay as much as $60 million.

"Quite simply, if O'Quinn is allowed to improperly withhold client funds with impunity, other lawyers may believe that they can do likewise. Such a result would destroy the very integrity of the special and unique relationship that exists between attorney and client," according to a final order released Thursday by a three-person arbitration panel that decided the case. Click here for more.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

NYTimes: Former Surgeon General Says He Was Muzzled


Carmona said some of his predecessors told him, "We have never seen it as partisan, as malicious, as vindictive, as mean-spirited as it is today, and you clearly have worse than anyone's had."

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The first U.S. surgeon general appointed by President George W. Bush accused the administration on Tuesday of political interference and muzzling him on key issues like embryonic stem cell research. click here for full article

Bush's Former Surgeon General Blasts Administration

CAMERON DIAZ: I will never get breast implants

CAMERON DIAZ: I will never get breast implants.

click here for article

Monday, July 09, 2007


Subject: Re: ORIGINAL BREAST IMPLANT MOVIE!! "Two Small Voices"

Hi Ilena,
Please consider sharing this with your mailing lists. This movie is the actual history of the beginning of the breast implant controversy and how it all got started.
AMAZON.COM has just begun selling "Two Small Voices", the film that was done for Lifetime TV about the breast implant issue nearly 9 years ago.
When the movie was made and first released for t.v., the manufacturers prevailed upon the network to change specific references to "the Meme," an implant sold by Bristol Meyers and to Dow Corning. They further required a 5 minute tag done by Linda Ellerbee outlining the controversy about implants from a more pro-manufacturer point of view. That version of the movie has been seen around the world, many times, over the past many years.
The version being sold on AMAZON.COM is the ORIGINAL version of the movie without the changes required by the manufacturers. It does not have the Linda Ellerbe tag either.
Although the movie is somewhat dated (it now costs nearly $15,000 to remove implants as opposed to the $5,000 number mentioned in the movie), it still is important to watch by women considering implants. Women need to know history so that history is not repeated. And the history is in that movie.
Ladies, PLEASE consider ordering a copy of this movie....
We NEED for women to put their opinions about Two Small Voices on so that we can use it as one more forum to get the word out on breast implants.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Almanac ... July 8, 1998 ... Dow Corning Reaches Settlement Agreement for Women Harmed by Their Products

Almanac  ... Sunday July 8, 1998

In 1998, a tentative settlement was reported between Dow Corning Corp.
and lawyers for 170,000 women who claimed they had become ill from the
company`s silicone breast implants
Nine years later ... a very large percentage of the women have received no compensation ... and the last figures I saw was less than $10,000 per woman had been paid out for years of surgeries, scars and failed implants. Many women have given up hope ... others have died.
Blessings to all from Ilena

Thursday, June 28, 2007

'SICKO' by Michael Moore ~ BRILLIANT ~ Must See!!!

Bravo to Michael Moore for taking on and exposing the Medical Industrial Complex!

This movie opened in the US on June 29th ... hope everyone sees it soon! Here's a website SICKO TIX for tickets.

We got to see it on Google Video before it was removed a couple of weeks ago.

Here's the official homepage clip.

Click here for an outstanding interview ... Bill Maher and Michael Moore talk about how corporatized healthcare is not working for the benefit of the patients.

Most women who believe the industry rap that breast implants are safe, sign up for a lifetime of surgery and medical care ... increasingly with no medical insurance.

Personally, I have had thousands of stories of American healthcare failing women from our breast implant group shared with me ... and I highly recommend this sensational ... hopefully pivotal film.

Michael Moore's Website discusses the corporate backlash against this film .... some industry flacks are going to get way rich spinning this documentary wonder.

Here's an earlier article from the International Herald Tribune: "Sicko" offers new talking points on health care.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Just watched an incredible movie ... Freedom Writers, and feel very inspired to encourage the women and their families in my international support group ... to write and share their stories even more.Please visit my homepage, Breast Implant to meet several brave women who have shared their breast implant related stories.

More to come.

With love from Ilena